Using the Hands Free iWALK crutch
Injuries Hurt. Your Crutches Shouldn’t.
The iWALK is suitable for most people suffering lower leg, foot and ankle injuries. See if a hands-free crutch is likely to be suitable for you.
Getting used to the iWALKfree is different for everyone. Some people take to a hands free crutch in a few minutes, while others take a little more time.
Below are instructional videos and tips for assembling, fitting, adjusting and using your iWALK 3.0.
If you purchase an iWALK 3.0 we’ll send you detailed instructions. If you have any questions or problems, contact us, we’re here to help! You can download a User Guide HERE if you prefer.
Please check with one of these links if it will suit you before you order. We are always happy to answer your questions.
Assembly Instructions
Do you need your hands-free crutch to fit over your cast or boot? We’ve a page full of useful hints and tips to make this as easy and comfortable as possible.
Learning how to walk without crutches
Videos of customers using an iWALK for the first time
Tips for adjusting your iWALK
Proper fitting is essential to success, so if you’re struggling, make sure that you’ve properly fitted your iWALK 3.0. The first thing you want to do is to simply stand on your iWALK 3.0 and get the feel for it. Here are some important things to remember:
The knee platform should be intentionally set too low (approx 1-1.5″ below optimum), as this will help you learn to trust the iWALK 3.0 and lean forward (when you aren’t injured, you don’t walk leaning back, do you? The iWALK 3.0 is exactly the same).
Have a table, chair, back of a sofa, hand rails, etc. there to support your weight and provide extra balance if you need it.
Use the handle as instructed in iWALKING Steps 3B and 3C above. This will give you additional confidence, control and balance. After the first few minutes on your iWALK 3.0 check to see that all three straps are still tight and secure. If you feel more comfortable or secure learning with the aid of a cane or crutch, feel free to use them. However, our experience is that doing so will probably increase the time it takes to gain proficiency on the iWALK 3.0.
How to walk with a torn calf muscle
Walking with a ruptured Achilles Tendon
You can see many more customer videos here on the manufacturer’s Youtube channel “iWALKfree”.