Hands-free crutch for broken legs
The iWALK 3.0 is a revolutionary alternative to crutches. Crutches take away 3 of your 4 limbs – the iWalk hands-free crutch gives them all back!
If you could walk reasonably well, absolutely unassisted, prior to your leg injury then the iWALK 3.0 can restore your mobility. Find out if the iWALK 3.0 is a suitable alternative to crutches for you.
The iWALK 3.0 is suitable if you have injured your lower calf, tibia, fibula or other parts of the lower leg, ankle or foot.
Lower leg injury rehabilitation using the iWALK 3.0
RECOVERY TIME: The iWALK allows for increased blood-flow and partial elevation for your injury, two factors that have the potential for reducing your recovery time. The iWALK can increase your ability to cope and decrease your desire to ignore doctor’s orders and start bearing weight on your injury before it heals completely.
WHAT TO EXPECT: Your normal, pre-injured lifestyle. Carrying coffee, walking the dog, caring for yourself and your family – all things that are made difficult or impossible by standard crutches are all within your grasp (literally, you will have hands again) with the iWALK crutch.
NOT USING iWALK CRUTCHES: You will have no hands, decreased independence, and an overwhelming inability to perform basic daily activities. Seriously, try carrying anything heavy, spill-able, or alive. Actually on second thought, don’t… you will probably drop it!
Video review
Diana broke her tibia and fibula while skiing, and had tried arm crutches and a knee walker before getting her iWALK. Here are her first steps on her iWALK2.0. You can read many more customer testimonials by following the link below.
Key features
The iWALK 3.0 improves upon conventional crutches in many significant ways:
- Enhanced mobility
- Greater comfort
- Ability to manage daily activities
- Ability to remain independent
- Improved motor function
- Improved personal safety
- Improved ability to exercise
- Improved emotional well-being
- Potential for reduction in muscle atrophy, strength and bone density loss
- Potential for shortened rehabilitation time
Buy online
Injuries Hurt. Your Crutches Shouldn’t.
You can purchase the iWALK 3.0 for £174.95 including free delivery.